Council’s Covid test reminder

5th February 2021

Sefton Council is reminding people who live and work in the Borough that whatever kind of coronavirus test they take, if they get a positive result for the COVID-19 virus, they need to self-isolate.

Sefton Council’s Director of Public Health, Margaret Jones said: “It’s vital that any of us who get a positive test result for COVID-19 start self-isolating straight away.

“Whether it’s a test as part of the search for the South African variant in Southport’s Norwood area, a test you have booked because you have symptoms or a SMART test because you’re a key worker or have caring responsibilities, if it’s positive you need to self-isolate immediately.

“Self-isolating means not leaving our home for 10 days to help stop us spreading the virus to other people.

“I know that self-isolating can present a real challenge for many of us, which is why we have posted 10 useful tips for 10 days of isolation on our website at

“Subjects covered include financial support available, planning food and shopping deliveries, medical contacts and advice, caring for others and looking after your physical and mental wellbeing.

“Arrangements for pet care, stopping the spread of the virus at home and pharmacy deliveries are also included in the self-isolation tips.”

Efforts to identify cases of the South African variant of the COVID-19 virus in Southport’s Norwood area will continue over the weekend.

Teams will continue to distribute home testing kits to addresses in the targeted area and, where possible, wait to collect them while people take the tests. And the Mobile Testing Units at the former Kew park-and-ride site will be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday.

National lockdown regulations remain in place so everyone should be staying at home except for essential purposes such as shopping for essential supplies, going to work if we can’t do so from home, providing care and going for a coronavirus test if we need one. And if we do go out, we all need to make sure we are maintaining at least 2-metres’ distancing, wearing a mask or face covering while out and about and washing our hands frequently.

Further local information can be found at