30th September 2017

Earlier this week at the Bootle Town Hall putting forward several notions pertaining to a variety of Community Concerns that have been raised with me across the District.

Having formally requested the support of Sefton Council to address a myriad of both long-standing and ongoing matters, in particular regarding how to attract further inward investment into our “Classic Resort Town” I should especially like to thank all local constituents, be they residents or Businesses who initially and have continued to directly raise these with me.

I should also like to thank the Sefton Council Cabinet Members for their responses to my original submitted questions which for the most part have been assistive to my constituents in this respect. In spite of some derogatory remarks from other Councillors, in particular when I raised my Supplementary Questions, I should like to reaffirm my commitment to all my local constituents and especially all those prospective High Quality Bespoke Retail Investors observing.

Naturally I shall be formally pursing these questions as a matter of importance and I once again reiterate the importance of everyone operating on a mutual basis of respect & sincerity at all times. In the long- term this will ultimately provide a positive benefit for our Seaside Resort Town. Onwards & Upwards!

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David Barton

Campaigner sets out ‘cheat sheet’ for making Lord Street better

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