Sefton Council give go ahead for Kebab shop on Bispham Road Southport

6th August 2015

Photo: Mr Arif Deniz starts work on his new Bispham Pizza and Kebab shop

Sefton Council last night granted permission for a seven table Pizza and Kebab shop on Bispham Road, Southport (Wednesday 5 August).

Below is Mr Deniz’s detailed floor plan submitted to Sefton Council 


Below is the architects impression of the new flue that will be erected at the rear of the shop.


We asked local residents on what they thought about the new Pizza Kebab takeaway opening.

Gary Ellis said:

“This will be great for the area, the more competition the better. It will also split the amount of youths hanging around outside the other two already on Bispham Road”.


Lee Hayes said:

“We have two of the best if not the best pizza outlets in the town already on Bispham Road, this is the last thing we need.

Sicily has been running for many years and also up the road is another pizza shop called Mr Cases, the last thing we need is another outlet like this here”.


OTS NEWS wishes Mr Arif Deniz in his new business venture.


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