1st June 2018

A community campaigner is working with developers to incorporate neighbourhood improvements into plans for apartments at the former Terra Nova School in Southport.

David Barton has stepped down from his role on Sefton Council for personal reasons but is continuing to work to help local people as a community campaigner.

He has met with Octopus Healthcare on behalf of residents and neighbours regarding the future of the former school on Lancaster Road.

Having been able to view the proposals with the architect and the development team he was able to voice several concerns raised with him by fellow residents.

Among the improvements he has called for are for an improved highway crossing point to be funded by Sefton Council, the developer or both to help local senior citizens in particular.

Mr Barton has also requested additional tree screening for surrounding properties, which will also provide extra drainage, and retention of a green space for local residents.

He said: “Another main piece of feedback received and greatly supported by myself is the adoption of a more traditionally-styled design for the apartments to be situated within the grounds of this former school.

“Whilst the main focus is on capturing the civic heritage of the original Terra Nova building, it is important to acknowledge that to truly produce a development worthy of the Birkdale Park Conservation area, any new buildings must be visually appropriate.

“This is, after all, a Victorian seaside town with an already disappearing collection of Victoriana asides from a harsh clash of the contemporary juxtaposed with traditional design.

“I am most grateful to Octopus Healthcare and the neighbours who contacted me and took the time to share their own individual and collective thoughts and I am seeking to see the best possible development for all concerned.

“This area is personally special to me as besides being the site of my former primary school sports days in years gone by, the surrounding Selworthy Road and several others were built by my grandfather Mr Jack Crowder- Barton, who himself campaigned to retain much of the country’s Victoriana.

“Should anyone wish to raise any individual concerns either with myself or Octopus Healthcare please contact either of us as soon as possible.

“I would also hope that on the condition that these conditions can be made that this application be approved so that the original building may be properly restored as soon as possible, given its present fragile state.”

David Barton represented Dukes Ward for four years after being elected in May 2014 and has achieved a number of major successes with his hard work on behalf of local people and businesses.

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