What is Candida Infection and How Do You Treat It

14th June 2019

Every year, about 1.4 million women in the United States will have a vaginal candida infection.

However, this is just one of the areas a yeast infection could affect.

Worried about candida infection? Here’s an in-depth guide on signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and the best treatment methods available.

What is Candida Infection?

Candia infection is when a fungi that lives on your body grows out of control. The genus of yeasts, a fungus, is known as Candida which is where the name comes from.

This fungus can normally be found in your intestines, vagina, on your skin, and sometimes in your mouth. While it is there, it is only in small, subtle amounts. When the fungus is at these levels, it doesn’t cause a problem.

However, there is a problem when the fungus starts to grow out of control. Normally good bacteria will keep the fungus in check, but sometimes the bacteria gets compromised.

When this happens, the fungus starts growing, and it can multiply rapidly. Then you have an infection called candidiasis, also known as Candida infection. Women often face the issue of bacterial infection in their vagina. myvluxe.com has probiotics that help them deal with this issue.

There are many types of things that can cause this infection, but we will discuss those later. 

This is one of the most common fungal infections that can occur in humans, so you’re not alone if you experience this infection. 

While it’s a common infection, sometimes the yeast becomes localized to one area. For example, when you have an infection in your throat or mouth, this is known as “thrush” (oropharyngeal candidiasis). 

If it occurs in the vagina, it is known as a vaginal yeast infection. 

Sometimes the yeast infection can also enter your bloodstream and travel to your other internal organs, but this isn’t as common. 


Some of the symptoms of an infection caused by Candida can make it difficult to diagnose a problem because it mimics symptoms of other things as well. 

However, if you look at what causes a yeast infection, you may be able to connect the dots between that and your symptoms. 

If you’re still not sure if it is a yeast infection or not, you should go to your doctor and get a formal diagnosis. If you’re still on the fence, Microbe Formulas wrote about the problem and some more signs that you may have an infection. 


Yeast is a fungus that needs a source of energy, just like you. The perfect source of energy for them is sugar. If you are eating a lot of sugar, then the yeast has more to eat and feed off of. 

That means that the more sugar there is, the easier it will be for an infection to persist. In a typical Western diet, there are all kinds of sugars and carbohydrates in the food, so you have to be mindful of that.

If you have a current yeast infection or are prone to them, you may want to rethink your dietary habits.


You should also keep an eye on what you’re drinking. Alcohol also contains sugar, and if you are drinking more than what is recommended, it could also help a yeast infection grow. 

Some alcohols also contain yeast, so if you drink it, you will just be helping your infection make a better home in your body. 


Antibiotics are sometimes necessary to take to fight some kind of infection caused by bacteria. 

However, sometimes when we take these antibiotics, it gets rid of all the bacteria, even the good ones that keep the yeast in check. If that bacteria suddenly disappears, the yeast sees an opportunity to grow, and then it can go out of control. 

If you’ve recently taken antibiotics and then notice symptoms of a yeast infection, chances are high that that is the culprit. 


Stress is never good for the body, but it also isn’t good for a yeast infection either.

Prolonged stress can compromise your immune system, and when your immune system is compromised, it opens the gates to all kinds of diseases. This includes yeast infections. 


Now that you know what causes a yeast infection, it’s also important to keep an eye out for some of the common symptoms. 

If you notice any of these, keep reading for how to treat a yeast infection. 


When someone has a yeast infection, it can cause them to feel extremely tired. 

The links aren’t entirely clear as to why this infection makes people feel tired, but there are a few guesses.

One of the guesses is that the infection normally occurs in people who don’t have great diets. Some people are even deficient in Vitamin B6, fatty acids, and magnesium. Not getting enough of these nutrients could lead you to feel tired.

Another link may be the weakened immune system. A weakened immune system could make you feel tired because your body is working extra hard to keep everything running and safe, but it doesn’t have all the power to do so. 

Mood Disorders

Even changes in moods and mood swings could point to a Candida overgrowth. There is some suggestion that problems with your stomach can lead to problems with your happiness, which could be a sign. 

Also, who wouldn’t be upset or moody while dealing with a yeast infection? 

Stomach Issues

Because there is some yeast in your stomach, if you are having stomach issues this could be a symptom of a possible infection.

You should keep an eye out for things like:

  • Gas
  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea 

This is your body trying to send you a signal that something isn’t right. The healthy bacteria in your intestines could’ve been replaced by Candida. 

Skin and Nail Infections

Remember that we said that there is some Candida on your skin? Well, sometimes the bacteria on your skin disappears and lets Candida take over.

If there was a sudden change in the environment, this may have allowed the yeast to take over. 

If a section of your body is kept moist and warm for a long time, this could promote the infection. For example, if a girl goes swimming and then doesn’t take her swimsuit off afterward, this provides great conditions for the yeast to grow into a vaginal yeast infection.

Other common areas where this could happen are in the armpit and groin areas. 

If you have a skin problem, then you may be incredibly itchy and also notice a rash. If you have another infection, like ringworm or toenail fungus, you may also have a Candida infection.

While these skin infections normally won’t endanger your life, they can decrease the quality of your life. 

Joint Pain

If the infection has entered your bloodstream and traveled to your joints, it could cause pain there. The pain could also be from the swelling and stiffness that the infection causes in your joints.

Some of the most common joints affected are your knees and hips. 

This isn’t very common, however. It can happen if you had surgery or if you had a yeast infection and just didn’t treat it for a long time. Once it has gotten this far, it can be difficult to treat. 

Recurring Vaginal Infections 

As we said before, a vaginal yeast infection is very common. 

If you notice itchiness and a strange colored discharged, this is a red flag. If you also have recurring urinary tract infections, you could also have a yeast infection. 

How to Treat It

Now that you know some of the symptoms and causes of a yeast infection, you need to know how to get rid of it. 

If treated early enough, you can stop it from causing further complications as well. 

Fix Your Diet

We already said that Candida lives on sugar, so you should make sure that you cut back the amount of sugar you consume. You should also try and refrain from drinking an excessive amount. If you are currently battling a yeast infection, you may want to stop drinking alcohol for the time being.

Other foods you should avoid or limit include:

  • Bread
  • Sweets
  • Vinegar
  • Peanuts
  • Bananas 
  • Dates

Instead, eat foods with high levels of protein, like avocados, fish, or meat. 

Get Fluconazole

If you have a vaginal yeast infection, you can buy over-the-counter antifungals. They normally come in the form of a cream or suppository that you take from anywhere from one day to seven. 

You can also go to your doctor who can prescribe you fluconazole. If you’re not sure what to do, ask your doctor for more information about the drug

Use Probiotics

Probiotics promote good bacteria, which can be helpful in fighting a yeast infection. This is true especially since yeast infections can’t survive if the healthy bacteria stop them. 

When you do need to take an antibiotic, you should also get a probiotic supplement to help restore the good bacteria back into your body. You can take probiotics as a pill, but it is also found in certain foods such as yogurt. 

Treat the Infection Today

If you think you have a Candida infection and haven’t had one before, you should see your doctor first.

After doing some research, always make sure that you check with a doctor to rule out anything more serious.

So make an appointment with your doctor and treat your yeast infection today.