Call for work to preserve Southport’s iconic street lights

6th January 2018

Ornamental lamp posts and lanterns which have become an iconic part of a shopping trip to Southport are in need of vital repair work before they become an eyesore, a councillor has revealed.

Cllr David Barton highlighted the issue as part of the ongoing mission to restore and regenerate Southport with a view to attracting high-quality investment in the retail sector.

He is also calling on fellow district councillors to now support his funding request for more regular cleaning and structural maintenance of the ornamental lamp posts along Lord Street.

He has requested various locations be incorporated into the Council’s budget programme for full restorative works at the soonest opportunity such as: Tulketh Street, Bridge Street Lord Street West.

Cllr Barton, who represents Dukes Ward on Sefton Council, said: “The ornamental circular lamp posts along Lord Street have become particularly corroded and tarnished from the elements as evidenced clearly at the central and southern cross-sections from Corporation Street to Duke Street.

“A full strip and repainting costs £125 for a 4-metre Ornamental Circular Balustrade Lamp Post including cast iron globe gallery and £130 for a 10-metre Steel Lamp Post.

“The works would involve a full scraping down and repainting with resistant paint lasting up to a decade.

“Simultaneously as part of my ongoing inquiries and lobbying of the Council I have also sought costings to explore the potential of replacing the cast iron rim caps joining the Orb Heads with the Lamp Post Columns with a more resistant visually identical material alongside retaining and scraping down the same cast iron rim caps joining the Orb Heads to the Lamp Post Columns.”

David Barton street lights ots news

Cllr Barton has also sought to complete a restorative project dating back to 2008 at the southern end of the high street. Previously both the northern and central cross-sections received a Lottery Heritage Fund grant for the entire reconstruction of the balustrade walling and had their lamp posts extensively treated by restorative specialists.

He is specifically seeking a continuation of the work carried between Manchester Road and East Bank Street whereupon the orb fittings there were exchanged for a cleaner new crystal white fluorescence in contrast to the old yellow sulphur heads seen between Portland Street to Duke Street. This would also include a minority of heads directly situated outside the Atkinson Arts Centre.

Cllr Barton said: “I would also like to say that I am happy to keep on reporting known defective lamp post sightings either through my own direct observation or through being contacted by constituents as this is a part of the normal duty of the role as district councillor.

“Just recently I have compiled an up to date checklist of all existing defective lamp lighting along Lord Street which has been duly submitted and I have since been informed is being carried out as soon as possible.

“Another request I have submitted is the possibility of additional ornamental lamp post locations along Lord Street to continue the symmetrical stream-lined landscape as seen at Garrick Parade.

“Ultimately, after much hard work, energy, effort and investment from both the public and private sectors so far I am hoping the other district councillors can truly serve the best interests of their community and finally grant permission for this funding request which would support incumbent and prospective investors for Southport’s tourist and retail economies.

“Should this full restorative funding request be met, this may actually help encourage investment from other prominent members in the local community seeking to boost Southport’s fortunes and reputation as a Classic Resort Town worthy of high quality boutiques and subsequent consumer spending once more.”

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