Blockchain security: Is it reliable?

27th April 2022

How entirely secure is the technology where the cryptocurrency emerged called the blockchain? We cannot stress enough how important it is to protect the integrity of critical information garnered in it is. Given the kind of technology that the blockchain provides, it does not completely imply that it is entirely foolproof and safe from people who have entirely different motives.


Given the continued rise and the popularity of cryptocurrency exchanges, it has made the technology more widely available as people have begun being knowledgeable about it. Blockchain’s incessant and increasing growth is partly due to its unique capability to provide digital information with unmatched levels of security.


Blockchain, also known as distributed ledger technology (DLT), and the cryptocurrencies it supports both have had their fair share of triumphs and disappointments in their relatively short history. Blockchain security has grown increasingly critical as its uses have expanded, and not only for cryptocurrency investors. Along with this technology came the advent of crypto trading, which has been relatively popular for a few years now. provides users with valuable experience that can aid them throughout their crypto journey.


How does it work?


Using a decentralised network rather than a single server, blockchain technology is similar to the internet in a various range of aspects.


To keep track of, broadcast, and synchronise coordinate transactions, Blockchain makes use of a decentralised or distributed ledger that resides on a number of separate computers, referred to as nodes. Traditional trading methods depend on a clearinghouse or exchange to keep track of everything in a centralised ledger. This is not the case with this new paradigm.


Anyone on any node may only contribute to the chain, not edit or remove previous blocks. One of the most important aspects of blockchain security is that the chain can only be extended. Each link in the chain serves as a confirmation for the previous one. Central clearance authority is no longer required.


The basics


What’s known so far is that its decentralised nature makes it less susceptible to hacking. 


Several of the most well-known and widely used blockchain networks, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are open to the public. An increase in the number of users on a blockchain network corresponds to better security rather than causing a further catastrophe. It’s a win-win situation for everyone when more individuals participate in the network since it gets more protected.


The paradox of private blockchain networks is that they might potentially be more susceptible to attack and manipulation since they need an invitation to join.


Blockchain may help avoid the act called double-spending, which usually conducts assaults on payments and money transfers. Cryptocurrencies face a major threat from these types of fraudulent attacks. A user who engages in this kind of attack spends their cryptocurrency twice. When it comes to actual cash, this isn’t a problem to worry about. It’s possible that a user may spend their crypto more than once before the network realises it.


This may be avoided with the use of blockchain technology. The whole network of a particular cryptocurrency must agree on the transaction sequence, confirm the most recent transaction, and publish it publicly on the blockchain.


Security risks


Despite the inherent security of a blockchain and an international network of nodes and miners constantly confirming and preserving the integrity of a blockchain, it is susceptible.


One of the benefits of blockchain is that it allows transactions to be carried out in a completely transparent manner. As a result, some of the more human protections that have developed through time have been eliminated. Despite its advantages, the technology does not care who sends or receives the message; it is fully agnostic about the parties involved. A centralised clearinghouse may utilise its power of judgment in this situation.


Despite the fact that this isn’t an entirely direct threat to any crypto assets that investor currently holds, it might have long-term consequences. Cryptocurrency sceptics point out that criminal and terrorist organisations are increasingly using it to get around anti-money laundering and other bank regulations. Because of the secrecy it provides, cryptography gained a lot of traction on the Silk Road black market for illicit products and services, which ran from 2011 to 2013.


As a result of this criticism, authorities in the United States and overseas are taking an increasing interest in blockchain, which might lead to new regulations governing how and when technology can be used.


Final thoughts


While the blockchain’s security is an advantage, it’s also a source of anxiety. Because of the way blockchain technology is constructed, cryptocurrency transactions such as payment, investment, and lending are all anonymous. However, it is not impervious to manipulation, as is the case with most other technology.


If you keep your private keys safe and don’t fall victim to phishing emails that ask for personal information in order to hijack your account, you can keep yourself safe.