Plans to build on CHURCHTOWN Greenbelt debate

4th June 2018

Bankfield Lane & The Former Philips Factory Balmoral Drive, Planning Applications To Be Considered This Wednesday, 6th June.

Plans to build hundreds of homes on the Greenbelt land off Bankfield Lane will be debated by Sefton Council’s Planning Committee this Wednesday, 6th June at 6.30pm.

The meeting is being held at the Royal Clifton Hotel in the Balmoral Room. The more people who turn up, the bigger message it will send to the Committee.

Local Liberal Democrat Councillors John Dodd and Daniel Lewis have consistently opposed the development plans, highlighting issues with infrastructure, drainage and numerous other concerns.

At the same meeting, plans to build on the former Philip’s factory will be discussed.

Liberal Democrats have long argued that the Philips site is a better option for housing than the Bankfield Lane greenbelt. There are still issues to be ironed out with the plans and it is likley conditions will be attached, but we believe that building on brownfield sites is always preferable to destroying our Greenbelt.