Best search engine optimization consultant

14th August 2022

Most business owners try to grow their business through an efficient website. Developing a website is a service other than optimizing a website. Optimization of a website refers to high performance and rank in a search result. Therefore, the best Search Engine Optimization consultant guide to know how your website needs to be optimized based on an SEO strategy plan. If you’re not an SEO expert, it’s best to let SEO experts in the UK do the heavy lifting for you. SEO is their specialty, and they know the right way to increase your rankings in search results and grow your target market.

Creating a unique content strategy, web marketing, managing clients, regularly reporting, time management, and building a qualified team are responsibilities of the SEO consultant. Also, the SEO consultant should be a critical thinker and a problem solver when there is misfunction in the website. His strategies, recommendations, and solutions should lead your website toward engaging more traffic and customers.

An SEO consultant should be educated in relevant majors and skills and should have relevant work experiences. If you need to know more about the best SEO consultant, keep reading this article.



Who is the best Search Engine, Optimization consultant?

The best Search Engine Optimization consultant is an expert who helps you optimize your website to have a high rank in the search results and make the best user-friendly context.  An SEO consultant should be able to improve the website traffic through unique content and specific keywords, design, etc. Therefore, a qualified SEO Consultant is responsible for web marketing, planning an SEO strategy, and managing company clients.

Finally, he should be able to suggest technical SEO strategies based on your business type and web analysis. He should analyze the website function and identify the malformed processes holding you back that cause you to rank more down in the SERPs (search engine results pages), including page low loading speed, broken links, etc. Also, he should be able to control the following factors to decrease the Bounce Rate:

  • Page load speed: loading the page in less than 5 seconds.
  • Design optimization: user-friendly and attractive layout and images.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: well presentation of the page on different devices, whether a personal computer or a mobile phone.
  • Meta tag information: accurate summary of the articles, titles, and robot tags.
  • Link Optimization: how well your pages are linked to each other and other related pages.
  • Page structure: using proper header, using lists and bullets.


What are the SEO consultant’s responsibilities?

If you are looking for the best SEO consultant, you need to know what responsibilities he should have.

  • He should plan and introduce an SEO strategy toward the business goals and needs.
  • Develop a content plan and keyword research strategies.
  • Identify the correct persona.
  • Build a team of experts in different but relevant fields, including graphics, content creators, web analyzers, etc.
  • Identify clients and build a rapport with them.
  • Upsell.
  • Analyze bounce rate, click rate, redirects, etc.
  • Time management.
  • Good negotiation.
  • Identify key SEO KPIs.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving strategies.
  • Find solutions for identified barriers and problems.
  • Suggest improvement ideas and techniques for better performance and optimization.
  • Report regularly.
  • Good communication.
  • Analyze data and provide proper recommendations.
  • Update his knowledge of SEO and web marketing.


What are the SEO consultant qualifications?

The best SEO consultant should be educated in relevant fields and have work experience for some years. There are other necessary qualifications that an SEO consultant should possess are listed as follows:

  • Relevant graduated and post-gradated degrees.
  • Years of experience as an SEO consultant.
  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • A successful website is demonstrable evidence of its work.
  • Years of experience as a web analyzer, content creator, web marker, and planner of SEO strategies.
  • Expert in different testing metrics like A /B testing.


How to work with the best SEO consultant?

If you decide to work with a technical SEO consultant, there are four phases to knowing what you should work with him.



The first stage is preparation. In this stage, you will make suitable space for the technical SEO consultant to do his job, including:

  • Provide relevant access to your website.
  • Make sure about time management when you decide to work with a technical SEO consultant.
  • Get familiar with the basics of technical SEO. It would help if you had some basic SEO knowledge to decide precisely when you are trying to hire an SEO consultant.
  • Set goals. You need to know what you want from the SEO strategy and how you can get your goals, E.g., do you want to rank for specific keywords as part of a content strategy?


Technical SEO Audit

An SEO consultant should conduct an audit based on your implementation. The SEO audit should:

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  • Use tools such as Ubersuggest to capture surface-level points of optimization. SEO audit tools can quickly identify things hurting your SEO, such as broken links, 404 errors, and keyword frequency.
  • Evaluate deeper structures, including website and page structure, disable or remove irrelevant content, and create a sitemap.
  • Focus on user empathy by considering things that could lessen the user experience, such as newsletter pop-ups, page speed, and poor navigation.


Technical SEO optimization

Next, the technical SEO consultant will work on fixing your website’s technical issues. Referring to the parts that need to be optimized, you should consider the following points:

  • Your website may need to be completely redesigned to be responsive or mobile-friendly.
  • You may need to resize the website’s images to increase the page load time.
  • You will likely need to go through your content with a fine-tooth comb and focus on the little things such as the structure, meta information, or links.


Level of the ROI of SEO consulting strategies

You need to quantify a technical SEO consultant’s ROI (Return On Investment) if you are a business owner or marketing leader. However, there are some issues that you should keep an eye on that are directly tied to marketing performance:

  • Better rankings: Technical SEO consultant provides a plan as the foundation of the website’s content. Thus, it is expected that the targeted keywords will optimize your website.
  • More dwell time: relying on the appropriate website design and structure and page loading speed, the users will spend more time on your website. Also, the bounce rate will be reduced.
  • More customers: Through a combination of these factors, you should be able to observe an increase in customers over time.


How to find the best SEO consultant?

If you decide to hire a technical SEO consultant, here are the 4 points you should consider before signing any contract.


1.     Client list

Focus on the types of clients that the SEO consultant has worked with them previously. Are there any well-known brand names? What kind of websites do these clients have? Is there any evidence and demonstrable results? Also, think about the SEO strategy he used for his clients and whether it applies to your condition.


2.     Additional services

Some technical SEO consultants would offer you additional services such as content marketing, analytics, and graphics. For example, an SEO consultant with the knowledge and experience of digital marketing will help you design an SEO strategy aligned with the SEO algorithms.


3.     Strong team

Look for a consultant with a strong team behind himself and check their track record. Years of experience are essential, but check if they update their SEO knowledge and keep track of the new changes happening every day. Google and other Search engines are updating their services constantly, so you need to work with a team who is updating their knowledge and has its finger on the pulse.


4.     Technology

The additional point for choosing an SEO consultant is whether he has built out the tech platform they use with their clients. Examples of the technologies include Ubersuggest, SEMRush, and Moz. Not only will you benefit from their technology, but they will also provide further credibility.


The last word

The best search engine optimization consultant is an expert who can help business owners introduce their products or services by optimizing their websites. All websites need to be organized by an SEO strategy, and the SEO consultant is the one who develops it. But how a business owner can find the best SEO consultant!

The SEO consultant should be a problem solver and a content manager to lead your website toward a high-rank position in the search results. Good communication with clients, regularly reporting, time managing, and building a team of experts are other features of a good SEO consultant.

Also, an SEO consultant should be educated in relevant graduate and postgraduate degrees. Relevant work experiences and demonstrable results in well-known websites are highly required. Finally, A SEO consultant should help you develop a user-friendly website with unique content to increase traffic and customers.