Become A SOUTHPORT Bid Director

30th March 2018

Become A SOUTHPORT Bid Director

If you are a registered voting member of the BID you are eligible to nominate yourself to sit on the BID Board of Directors for the current and forthcoming year.

If you wish to be nominated, please submit a brief CV and letter outlining your reasons for applying no later than 9th April 2018.

If you are not a registered voting member of the BID and wish to become one please email for further details.

1. The completion and submission of your nomination does not guarantee a seat on the BID Board of Directors. In order to ensure that relevant skills are represented on the BID Board candidates will need to demonstrate they have the necessary experience and commitment to ensuring the success of Southport BID.

2. Voting will be by registered members only and the result determined by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the decision will be deferred pending the appointment of the Chair of the Board who will carry the casting vote.

3. This is a voluntary role, as none of the Directors receive any remuneration. Board members are expected to give their time, experience, passion and expertise to the success of Southport BID for free.

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