We have through the Aviva Community Fund applied for a £5000 grant to start a pilot programme for a new child bereavement service and we now need your help. Our application has been accepted but we need people to vote for the project, if we get sufficient votes then the grant will be awarded.
Queenscourt Hospice is a local charity providing support for the people of Southport, Formby & West Lancashire. We care for adults with serious illnesses, enabling them to achieve the best possible quality of life.
We help to do this through our In-Patient unit, Queenscourt Connect and Queenscourt at Home services. Our Stepping Stones service offers those bereaved of a patient in our care, the chance to return to Queenscourt to meet with staff, ask questions and talk about how they are coping.
Although we care for adults we recognise that we have a responsibility to listen to and support those children who are bereaved. Children of all ages may experience bereavement at any time during their childhood or adolescence and others are often at a loss to know what to say when a child or young person is bereaved and what they can do to help them.
Most of these children will not need professional help, what they do need is the understanding of familiar and trusted adults. Grief is normal and necessary and needs to be acknowledged, not bottled or covered up. It is not an illness or something a child can just ‘get over’.
Voting is all on-line so for full details about the application and to vote please visit go to the Aviva website https://community-fund.aviva.co.uk/voting/Project/View/2985
If this application is successful we will spend the resources wisely to ensure that the pilot scheme is successful in year one with the aim of this being continued in the long term as part of Queenscourt’s core services.
For further details please contact Helen Birch at Queenscourt Hospice on 01704 544645.
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