Avalon Specialist Dementia Home is ‘Good’ says Care Commission

22nd December 2015

The Avalon Care Home on Duke Street, Southport, is ‘Good’ right across the board, say the Care Quality Commission.

Their unannounced CQC visit in December found the home to be ‘Good’ across the board and ‘outstanding’ in the area of caring.  The Inspectors said:

“We made observations of the people living at the home and saw they were relaxed and settled. People spoken with were highly satisfied with support offered and said this was of a consistently high quality.

“Staff treated people with privacy and dignity. All of the people we spoke with commented on the caring nature and philosophy in the home. The interactive skills displayed by the staff, when engaged with people, showed they understood people as individuals.

” People we spoke with and relatives told us the manager and staff communicated with them effectively about changes to care and involved them in any plans and decisions. Health professionals working with the home spoke highly of the staff’s caring attitude and how this was applied in daily care and individual support for people.

Local Health and Adult Care spokesperson Councillor Tony Dawson said:

“The CQC can be very critical. So, when they declare an aspect of one of our local homes to be ‘outstanding’ this deserves to be spread widely.”


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