Armed forces weekend hailed a success at Pleasureland

24th October 2017
Norman Wallis holds some of the cheques that have come in after the meeting of local businesses that agreed to pledge nearly £30,000 to help promote Southport and boost sales for the whole Town

The weekend of 14th/15th October was certainly a busy one for Southport Pleasureland as they made a special thank you to the Emergency Services, Armed Forces and NHS personnel for the amazing work they do throughout the year.

Over 1500 eligible staff registered for their free tokens to use at the park and good weather on both days ensured that a grand day out was had by all.

Park owner, Norman Wallis said “I wanted to say a special thank you to the people who help to keep us safe and well all year round so we made this a special weekend for them. We gave away £75,000 worth of ride tokens to make sure they could come along with family members and friends and take full advantage of all that the park has to offer. From the many, many emails we have received and the social media comments, I think they all had a thoroughly enjoyable time here at Pleasureland.”

This was the second such giveaway that Pleasureland has made this season to members of the services, initially prompted by terrorist atrocities earlier in the year. Having spent some time in hospital recently, Norman was very keen to give thanks to members of the NHS who made sure he was still around to continue his quest to help make Southport a terrific visitor destination.

The park is now gearing up for half term week when Happy Halloween will be in full swing followed by their specially themed ‘Festival of the Dead’ free fireworks event on Saturday 4th November.

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