Appeal on Behalf of Merseyside Police After man gets ear bitten off in Liverpool

18th February 2015

Detectives have released a CCTV image of a woman they believe has vital information about an incident that happened in the city centre on Saturday, 7 February 2015. 

At approximately 1.15 in the morning, a 26-year-old man was assaulted on Bold Street, outside the Halifax Building Society. During the assault he had part of his right ear bitten off.

Detective Inspector Graeme Robson said: “We are keen to trace the woman who is pictured, as we believe she may have witnessed the assault and could have information that would help us identify the offenders.”

“Presently, the description we have of the offenders is that there were two white men, aged in their twenties. One of the men is described as being around 6ft tall with short brown hair.”

“The woman who we are appealing to contact us is in her 20s, about 5ft 5” tall and has long black/purple straight hair, wearing a short length dress, with knee high leggings and Doc Martin style black boots.”

The victim was taken to Whiston Hospital, where he underwent surgery to repair the damage.

An investigation into the full circumstances of the incident is on-going and further CCTV is being sought from the area.

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The woman pictured, or anyone who recognises her, or knows anything about this incident are asked to call detectives on 0151 777 4044 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.


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