More advice on internet trolls

10th January 2018

Trolls love to distress others – that is their greatest sadistic pleasure. The more they hurt you the better it is for them.

The chief device of the troll is accusation. It’s a method of mental torture, to break your spirit by turning your words against you. The troll loves to twist your statements against you and disparage your perspective.

No matter what you state, the troll will question you as a good person no matter how logical you act. Understanding this point alone is a big start to understanding their warped physiological profile of hate.

Trolls project their anxieties onto others as a coping apparatus. They’re hurting inside and they deal with it by making others feel as bad as they do. They are insecure and they want YOU to mirror their psychological instabilities. Basically, they are primarily extremely sad individuals with miserable lives and they think that making you as unhappy as them will alleviate their internal plight in some way.

They are typically cowards, running off at the mouth from behind a deceptive cloak of anonymity with fake internet profiles that make them feel safe. However, they can be traced!

We reiterate the features of typical trolls here

Trolls may belong to the following groups.

Bored younger people with social axes to grind against others.

Vindictive politicians who feel they know better than others and wish to promote misleading propaganda.

Psychologically deranged individuals with no supervision or lack of appropriate medication.

Unhappy or sexually dysfunctional men/women with no friends.

Religious extremists who claim to have all the right life answer.

Drug and alcohol abusers who fail to comprehend that they have a growing and addictive problem.

Don’t feed the trolls or blow them away?

You can either totally ignore (not feed) the troll or take it to pieces, via giving it as much trouble as it has given you. As always, the choice is yours.

Whichever way you cut it the troll is habitually a very unhappy and mentally warped person. He/she thrives on your despondency and in affect the troll is addicted to making your life sheer hell.

Their self-destructive addiction to pure hate is so powerful that some internet trolls have even carried on with their abuse after previously facing conviction for such offences.

Do YOU know an internet troll? 

OTS News has previously highlighted this disturbing issue and the feedback we have received has been very positive, as expected.

Please see this link: