ABM can solve the following problems

24th March 2022

Are you facing any problems in your account based marketing? Let Pearl Lemon Leads an account based marketing agency help you.


It may seem logical at first to take a broad marketing approach in the B2B space, but it can have a detrimental effect on your ROI. By implementing ABM effectively, you can increase revenue, gain a deeper understanding of your customers, and provide metrics you could not otherwise access.


  • I am unable to demonstrate a clear return on investment. Account-based marketing has as a main goal to maximize ROI, resulting in clear business results. Based on ITSMA data, account-based marketing is the highest ROI marketing strategy or tactic among all B2B marketing initiatives.
  • Our time, budget, and staff resources are being wasted. As account-based marketing focuses on establishing long-term connections with prospective, valuable customers, marketers can allocate more resources and design campaigns that are tailored to marketers can use their resources more efficiently and create campaigns tailored to those accounts.
  • My audience is no longer engaging with me. Targeted customers tend to engage with content more often with account-based marketing since it is so personalized. Buyers are more likely to interact with content that is tailored to their specific needs, their business, and where they are in the customer journey.
  • Having trouble determining what metrics and goals I should track. By using account-based marketing, you can compare the success of your emails, online ads, websites, and events to fewer targets. In addition, you will gather more comprehensive data that will allow you to derive insights you might not have gained otherwise.
  • The marketing team is not aligned with the sales team. The most efficient way to get your sales and marketing teams on the same page is with ABM. By aligning sales and marketing teams, account-based marketing allows them to think about accounts concurrently and target them effectively while bringing them to the table and closing the deal.

An overview of ABM

In account-based marketing, you target, engage, and measure. You will be able to set up your marketing team for success if you include these elements into your program.


  • Account-based marketing helps you target and manage customers who are worth your time and who will deliver the greatest ROI. Instead of managing and syncing accounts between multiple apps, you can centralize targeting and management of accounts. According to your organization, you should target accounts that fit the following criteria: high yield accounts, product fits, quick wins, strategic importance accounts, and competitors accounts.
  • Coordinate and personalize your marketing campaigns using a single platform instead of managing each channel separately. This is only possible with a customer-based marketing platform. With a customer-based marketing platform, you can link every channel together. Deliver informed and comprehensive marketing solutions based on accounts will provide this ability.


  • Monitoring and optimizing ABM programs is essential to demonstrating and improving your success. For this purpose, you should look for an account management solution that helps you build user-specific dashboards, set revenue-based targets, as well as provide cohesion in account analytics.