7,000 year old Stone Age flint discovered on beach

1st November 2016

7,000 year old Stone Age flint discovered on beach

A brilliant day down at Crosby today for our Beachcombing Festival – many thanks to all our wonderful experts who joined us to shed light on some of the incredible things that can be found on the Sefton coast.
Luckily Andy from Citizan the community archaeology project, was on hand to confirm a find by Barbara Snowball who joined us on our beachcombing walk.

We’d been finding odds and ends on Crosby beach for an hour or so before Barbara came across this treasure – a 7,000 year old Neolithic flint tool!


Andy confirmed the find, and while flint tools pop up with some regularity in other parts of the country, I can’t remember ever encountering one on the Sefton tideline before – well done Barbara!!!

One of many wonderful moments during a great day – thanks to all who joined us for fun, seashells, sea beans, Victorian art, bones, jellyfish mobiles and all round cool beachcombing stuff – more to follow…
Meanwhile, just imagine, a tool shaped by a Neolithic hand 7,000 years ago, washed up on the beach amongst the Iron Men!!


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