5 Things to Consider Before Opting for Dental Implants

27th March 2024

As a permanent solution for missing teeth, Dental Implants offer the closest thing to natural teeth in terms of function and appearance. However, before you make the leap towards a new smile, there are several key considerations to ponder.

1. Assess Your Oral Health

When contemplating dental implant London, it’s paramount to start with a thorough evaluation of your oral health. A solid foundation, which includes healthy gums and adequate jawbone density, is critical for the implant’s success. Why is this so crucial? Simply put, the implant needs a secure place to anchor, and without healthy gums and sufficient bone, the risk of implant failure increases.

Key Considerations

  • Gum Health: Periodontal disease can severely compromise the success of an implant. Prior to proceeding with the implantation, any signs of gum disease must be fully addressed.
  • Jawbone Density: A common hurdle is insufficient bone density where the implant is to be placed. This is often the case in individuals who have had missing teeth for some time. Bone grafting, a procedure to enhance the jawbone’s thickness, might be recommended.

Actionable Steps

  1. Schedule a comprehensive dental examination.
  2. Discuss any history of periodontal disease or tooth loss with your dentist.
  3. Consider a bone density assessment if you’ve been missing teeth for an extended period.

A detailed examination by a reputable dentist in Harrow can set the stage for a successful implant journey by ensuring your mouth is primed and ready for the procedure.

2. The Experience of Your Dental Professional

Selecting the right professional for your dental implants can be likened to choosing a pilot for a transatlantic flight; you want someone experienced, skilled, and with a proven track record of success. The field of dental implantology requires a delicate balance of surgical expertise and aesthetic judgement.

Why Experience Matters

  • An experienced dentist or oral surgeon can navigate the complexities of implant placement with precision, significantly reducing the risk of complications.
  • The aesthetic outcome of dental implants heavily relies on the practitioner’s skill in placing the implant in a way that complements the natural contours of your face and smile.

Finding the Right Professional

  • Research clinics and practitioners specialising in dental implants in London. Look for before-and-after photos of actual patients.
  • Check credentials and reviews. A reputable practitioner will be certified and have positive feedback from previous patients.
  • Consider consultations with multiple professionals to find someone you feel comfortable with, both in terms of their expertise and their approach to patient care.

An expert in dental implants will not only guide you through the process but also ensure that the results meet your expectations, blending seamlessly with your natural teeth for a smile that feels both new and familiar.

3. Consider the Investment

Investing in dental implants is investing in your quality of life. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, the functionality and durability of implants offer a significant return on investment. However, understanding the financial aspect is crucial to making an informed decision.

Financial Planning for Dental Implants

  • Cost vs. Value: Initial costs might seem daunting, but when compared to other tooth replacement options that may need frequent adjustments or replacements, implants offer enduring value.
  • Insurance and Financing: Some dental insurance plans contribute towards the cost of implants. Additionally, many clinics provide financing plans to spread the cost over time, making it more manageable.

Long-Term Benefits

  • Durability: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, unlike dentures or bridges that might need to be replaced.
  • Lifestyle and Health: Implants allow you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. They also prevent bone loss, preserving your facial structure.

When considering the cost, factor in not just the price tag, but the long-term benefits to your health, wellbeing, and confidence.

4. Understanding the Procedure and Recovery Time

The journey to restoring your smile with dental implants unfolds through several stages, each pivotal to the overall success of the procedure. Familiarising yourself with these stages demystifies the process, helping to align your expectations with the reality of what’s to come.

The Stages Explained

  • Initial Consultation: This is where the groundwork is laid. Your dental professional will assess your oral health, discuss your needs, and outline the plan. This stage is your opportunity to ask questions and express any concerns.
  • The Implant Surgery: During this procedure, the titanium implant is placed into the jawbone. It’s a precise operation that, thanks to modern techniques, is more comfortable than many anticipate. Post-surgery, you’re given care instructions to ensure the best healing environment.
  • The Healing Process: Perhaps the most understated yet crucial phase is the osseointegration process, where the implant fuses with the jawbone. This period can span several months, during which patience is key. Your diet may be temporarily adjusted to protect the implant site.
  • Placing the Crown: Once the implant has integrated with the bone, the final step is placing the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth. This is when you’ll see the transformative results of your patience and investment.

Recovery Tips

  • Follow your dentist’s post-operative care instructions meticulously.
  • Plan for a soft food diet in the immediate aftermath of the surgery to facilitate healing.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.

Understanding the timeline and what’s involved at each stage can help manage expectations and prepare for a journey that, while lengthy, has a profoundly positive impact on quality of life.

5. The Impact on Your Daily Life

The decision to opt for dental implants is about improving your quality of life. From the way you interact with others to your ability to enjoy your favourite foods, the benefits are far-reaching. Yet, it’s important to acknowledge the adjustments and commitments required both during and after the procedure.

Immediate Adjustments

  • Diet: In the days following your surgery, adhering to a diet of soft foods and avoiding anything too hot or cold is crucial to prevent discomfort and support healing.
  • Oral Hygiene: Implementing a gentle yet thorough oral hygiene routine is essential to prevent infection and ensure the health of your implant and surrounding teeth.

Long-Term Considerations

  • Routine Care: Like natural teeth, implants require regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. The good news is that caring for implants isn’t more complicated than caring for natural teeth, but it is just as important.
  • Lifestyle Benefits: Beyond the immediate adjustments, the lasting impact of dental implants on your daily life is overwhelmingly positive. You’ll enjoy a renewed ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing both your physical health and mental wellbeing.


Opting for dental implants in London is a significant decision that can greatly enhance your quality of life and confidence. By considering your oral health, the expertise of your dental professional, the financial investment, the procedural and recovery timeline, and the impact on your daily life, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and expectations. With the right preparation and care, dental implants can provide a lasting solution for a radiant, healthy smile.


Author Bio:

Malavi Sivakanesan

Malavi Sivakanesan is the co-Founder & Operations Director at Complete Smiles in Harrow, Greater London. She is responsible for establishing the Complete Smiles brand throughout the United Kingdom and Europe and has 5 successful practices under her strong leadership.