1st Hillside Cider and Sausage Festival 5th – 7th August 2016

3rd August 2016

1st Hillside Cider and Sausage Festival 5th – 7th August 2016

Visitors to Hillside over the last few months will have noticed the signs of revitalisation of the shopping parade along Sandon Road. The opening of the Grasshopper Micropub, the smart Café 66 and just around the corner the Pines wine bar have given the area a bit of a buzz. The Sandon Road traders have also got together with local councilors to brighten the area up with hanging basks of flowers, planters and flags and bunting to give the area a much needed facelift.

The latest step in the re-emergence of the Hillside local centre is to be held this weekend. Some local traders are getting together to hold the 1st Hillside Cider and Sausage festival.

The Cider Festival will centre on the Grasshopper micropub where a selection of around 20 real ciders from around the country will be offered.  Ciders offered will include a number of different fruit ciders and perrys including Rhubarb cider, Damson cider and Strawberry cider through a full range of sweet, medium and dry ciders to full blown cloudy scrumpy. Of course, other beverages including soft drinks will be offered for those who don’t drink cider.

Sausages and other delicious food will be offered by Café SixtySix,  Langberry’s and the famous Sandon Crown.

A full program of entertainment is planned with the Southport Swords putting on a demonstration of Morris Dancing and local uTube sensation  Jeff on his guitar.

Entry is free and the revelries start at 6pm this Friday 5th August 2016 and continue all day Saturday and on Sunday until 9:30pm (if the cider lasts!)

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