Southport residents may be affected by council tax reduction scheme

2nd February 2015

Sefton Council has agreed a slightly revised Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2015/16.

By law, each financial year Sefton Council must consider whether to revise or replace its local Council Tax Reduction Scheme.

Sefton Council will continue with the 2014/15 Council Tax Reduction Scheme subject to some minor changes as agreed at Full Council on January 22.

The existing scheme has been revised to take into account Department for Work and Pensions rate changes with the amounts and personal allowances for non-pensioner households. This coincides with the annual uprating of state benefits for working age claimants.

The revisions to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2015/16 ensure that householders on the lowest incomes are not adversely affected by the Government’s annual uprating of state benefits.

At the moment there are more than 15,000 working age residents in the borough who receive Council Tax support.

Cllr Paul Tweed, Cabinet Member Corporate Services and Performance, said: “The new changes will not affect customers who have reached their state pension age who continue to have their Council Tax Reduction calculated on rules set by the Government.

“A consultation on the changes was carried out late last year and the revised scheme will see us continue to help those on lower incomes.”

The revised scheme can viewed at

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