Manchester Road to face 3 months of roadworks

16th February 2017

Photo: Traders stand untied

There are set to be three months of roadworks on Manchester Road.

A letter to residents has been sent out warning them to expect delays from the end of February.

The letter, from Dowhigh highways, says: “My name is Irene Hopkins, I am the Management Business and Community Liaison Officer for Dowhigh Ltd, who have been appointed by Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council to carry out the Highway Refurbishment Scheme on 20 February 2017, at Manchester Road, Southport. I will be available to support you throughout the duration of this contract, which is approximately 12 weeks.

“In brief my role is to provide support and assistance to Residents / Businesses, who may have any issues or concerns regarding the proposed works to be undertaken around this area by Dowhigh Ltd. This includes keeping people informed of the various stages of the work schedule and looking for alternative resolutions if an issue persists. This role also encompasses communicating and coordinating activities between local businesses and Dowhigh Ltd, whilst work is in progress to ensure any inconveniences or disruption is kept to an absolute minimum.

Councillor David Barton said:”Following our successful community-led campaign to retain the character and essence of the Manchester Road area last year I am pleased to announce that after close consultation with neighbours, residents and businesses the various highway improvements that were agreed on multilaterally through close dialogue with all those concerned have been approved and shall be commencing in the near future.

“These include traffic signal improvements, new footways and a bus stop upgrade. I have contacted residents and businesses in advance to allow all concerned to make any necessary arrangements to minimise inconveniences to everyday business and life in the local community during the work.”

On Monday 20 February 2017, for approximately 12 weeks, the work programme will cover the following areas of work:-

Traffic signal improvements at the junction

New footways

Bus stop upgrade – wider island

Road resurfacing

During this period of works the current four way traffic system will be reduced into single lane traffic to allow for the remedial works to take place. There will also be a road closure from the 2nd May 2017 to approximately 19 May 2017 to facilitate the road surfacing process.

A temporary compound will be set up on the open area between Manchester Road and Zetland Street during the work schedule. The compound will house a welfare unit to support the working operatives during the work programme.

We will write to you again nearer the programme start date with a more detailed schedule.

Some local residents also received this letter bellow:

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