Blooming case of Red tape

16th September 2015

Lord Street’s green volunteers have been caught in a Catch 22 situation over their hopes to put a floral bloom back on the town’s roundabouts.

Sefton Council have told volunteer group Lord Street In Bloom that for safety reasons they are not allowed to plant flowers on Lord Street’s two roundabouts even though the group say they can find funding to do it.

Cambridge Ward Councillors Pat Keith and Sue McGuire are to take up the group’s case with the council and Pauline Morris, the volunteers’ organiser, said:  “ We would love to see the roundabouts at either end of Lord Street planted up next summer. We think it would finish off the boulevard nicely.

“We put a lot of hard work into the urns and gardens along Lord Street and feel we are let down by the state of the roundabouts at either end. They get mowed only every five to six weeks now and they look scruffy.

“I’m sure our group could find some funding for plants and, with the support of Southport Flower Show and Southport BID, we could have both roundabouts looking floral again next year.  I honestly don’t know why the council won’t allow planting on the roundabouts. It would certainly enhance the town and it wouldn’t cost them a penny.”

Councillors Keith and McGuire helped organise planting on other roundabouts in the town and Councillor McGuire said: “All the council would have to do is dig out the flower beds and allow access on to the roundabouts.”

Councillor Keith added “It makes such a difference when you see a roundabout in full, colourful bloom and this appears to be a case of baffling red tape. I’m sure some arrangement can be made with the council for some of the volunteers to plant these roundabouts.


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