A Southport family business robbed of over £8000 worth of goods

22nd December 2016

Photo: CCTV image

A Southport family business robbed of over £8000 worth of goods

Officers were called to a report of a burglary at Market Street Food and Wine in the early hours of Wednesday 21 December 2016.

The man is description as like very skinny, 6’1” to 6’2″, around 41 years-old and was waring a north face jacket on the night, also he carried the stolen goods on a shopping trolley.

The man was also seen on Wesley street around 12.15am, before breaking into Market Street Food and Wine at 12.41am.

Anyone with information regarding the crime is urged to contact Merseyside Police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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